SocialWorks needs your help with our upcoming events! We'll sort the clothing collected from the 2023 Warmest Winter drive, facilitate our 73rd OpenMike, and distribute thousands of hams with Discover and Conscious Alliance. Learn more information below, and we hope to see you soon!
Tuesday, February 20th: 9:30am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 4:30pm - Sort Day 1
Wednesday, February 21st: 9:30am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 4:30pm - Sort Day 2
Thursday, February 22nd: 9:30am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 4:30pm - Sort Day 3
Friday, February 23rd: 9:30am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 4:30pm - Sort Day 4
Saturday, February 24th: 4:30pm - 6:30pm - OpenMike
Saturday, March 23rd: Morning (Exact Time TBD) - Ham Giveaway and Block Party